Venture Dairy Coop

Supporting dairy farmers through leadership, assistance and advocacy.



To positively affect policy at the state and local levels, improve public perception of agriculture and protect the overall use of technology and innovation in how we grow and raise food. 


Agriculture is under attack from the increasing number of activists, non-profit organizations and environmental groups. Incorrect stories about agriculture continue to circulate daily throughout the media, going mostly unchallenged. This has become dangerous over time, as the misinformation has disguised itself as the truth, quietly eroding at policy.



At Venture Dairy Cooperative, we put our people before politics. We work with legislators and their staff and key statewide business allies to combat unnecessary regulations, reduce government bureaucracy and advance smart policy to support the future of our dairy farmers.



Maintain a high level of industry and policy knowledge as it pertains to dairy farmers and provide advocacy at the State Capitol to improve the bottom line for farmers.


Provide milk verification sampling at proprietary milk plants to ensure dairy farmers are getting paid for the exact quality and components in their milk.


Provide community support for our farmer members, including assistance with local government committees and meetings.


“It is more powerful
to speak up than to
silently resent.”

– The Client Courtship Coach

…Your silence will not protect you.



VDC consists of dedicated, knowledgeable, highly-motivated and proven team members passionate about advocating for dairy farmers and the dairy industry.


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