Businesses and Individuals in Wisconsin Deserve to Have a Transparent Government

On July 16, 2020 Governor Evers received a letter that the Wisconsin Dairy Alliance along with 25 other Wisconsin Trade Associations and 16 Wisconsin Chambers of Commerce signed onto.

In the letter we urged Governor Evers to continue to promote transparent and accountable government within his administration by:

  • Requiring state agencies to post their guidance documents online

  • Seeking public input during the drafting process

  • Citing their underlying authority for any regulatory requirements contained in those documents

Members of the regulated community deserve to have their viewpoints heard and considered when these guidance documents are being drafted due to the incredibly important role they play in their daily operations.  

We believe that both regulators and those in the regulated community benefit from the open discussions that come from public comment periods and the transparency of making these documents more accessible. 

Businesses and individuals in Wisconsin deserve to have a transparent government.

CLICK HERE to read the letter that was sent to Governor Evers.