DNR Set to Resume Inspections

WDA was recently made aware of changes that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has made to how it is conducting field work due to COVID-19.

As they begin to schedule inspections, it is important that you are aware of these changes so that you can communicate any protocols your operation is following with DNR staff to ensure the health and safety of your employees.  

Prior to an inspection DNR staff will:

  • Ask you if anyone at your operation has been infected

  • Ask if anyone at your operation has had contact with a person known to be infected with novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Ask if anyone at your operation has exhibited COVID-19 related symptoms

  • Describe department precautions and protective measures to be used

  • Ask if there are other COVID-19 related PPE requirements that your operation requires

During an inspection DNR staff will be:

  • Wearing appropriate PPE

  • Practicing social distancing

  • Limiting the number of staff onsite

  • Minimizing the duration of the inspection

The DNR said that, "The DNR recognizes the importance of maintaining your health and safety and will respect any decisions made for your health and safety during this time. Please note however, that the DNR continues to have an obligation to respond to spills and events where there is an actual or imminent threat to the environment and/or to public health and safety. Staff response to these critical events will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, all DNR staff have been advised to follow current health standards when performing such work to protect their health and the health of others.”