MDS Dairy of rural Sparta is challenging the DOJ and DNR regarding egregious fines

A dairy operation owner says "enough is enough" on DNR referrals to the Department of Justice (DOJ) which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional costs based on the DNR’s/DOJ’s ability to determine any amount they choose to fine a dairy. Time and time again, permitted dairy operations throughout the state pay off a DOJ settlement in fear of future retribution from the DNR staff. MDS Dairy owner, Phil Mlsna, is taking his case to court after receiving approximately $300,000 in fines following investments of nearly 15 million dollars into his facility and obtaining an updated permit.


He said he’s not only thinking of himself but other dairy operators who he believes have been subjected to the same type of treatment. Farms that have ever grown in size seem to have a target on their back when it comes to the DNR while investing millions and millions of dollars to better protect the environment.


To date, no farmer has ever challenged the matter of heavy fines in court; however, MDS Dairy feels the DNR and DOJ of Wisconsin have overreached on the amount of fines and are asking the court to decide what is fair. MDS Dairy is asking for your support during this hearing by attending in person. 


For those who would like to attend the hearing it is scheduled for:

Nov 6-8 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at Monroe County

Circuit Court Judge Mark Goodman

Second Floor Court Room

112 South Court Street, Sparta, WI 54656.


This is a case to watch and will certainly set a precedent for future fines in the dairy industry.

News AlertKim Bremmer