Pierce County Conservation Committee Holds Off on Taking Action on CAFO Moratorium and Manure Storage Ordinance

On Tuesday morning, the Pierce County Land Conservation Committee tabled an amendment that would have amended a manure storage ordinance and will bring a draft CAFO moratorium at a later meeting.

There was a small but vocal anti-CAFO sentiment among public members at the committee meeting. Fortunately, because of the farmers and even DNR staff who stood up against these false allegations, the committee chose not to act in haste. WDA and VDC submitted comments along with Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

“We are grateful for the farmers and community members who attended the meeting and stood up for the truth and for farmers. There is so much misinformation about CAFOs, even among farmers. A small minority of misinformed voices cannot be the only voice heard by the board. We will continue to stand up for CAFOs in Pierce County and across the state, but we can’t do it without farmers showing up and participating,” said Kim Bremmer, Executive Director of Venture Dairy Cooperative.

The ordinance and moratorium will be discussed with legal counsel and brought back for further public input.

“This was a small victory for farmers and we applaud the Committee for being thoughtful, ensuring their constituents’ voices are heard, and doing their due diligence. We hope the County will choose to abandon this moratorium and use its platform to educate the public about the rigorous regulations CAFOs must abide by and help correct some serious misinformation that exists in the County,” said Cindy Leitner, President of Wisconsin Dairy Alliance.

WDA and VDC will continue to monitor any developments.

News ReleaseKim Bremmer