The American Dairy Coalition Asks DC Leadership to Protect Dairy Farmers From Unfair Lawsuits

The American Dairy Coalition recently sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell asking them to take immediate action to pass temporary liable relief provision in the "SAFE AT WORK Act." This Act contains critical provisions that will protect dairy farmers from unfair lawsuits related to COVID-19 outbreaks. Currently, class action lawsuits across the nation are popping up, targeting employers. COVID-19 related lawsuits will cost farmers an exorbitant amount of money for legal costs, which could further cripple an already ravished industry. The nation cannot afford to lose more dairy producers and expect there not to be severe negative repercussions to the food supply chain. 

Dairy producers have worked to implement and comply with federal, state and local guidance to protect their valuable employees from COVID-19 outbreaks. Furthermore, to date, there have not been reports dairy operations being "ground zero" for major outbreaks. The American Dairy Coalition is asking Congress to protect dairy farmers from class action lawsuits related to pandemic outbreak to ensure the supply of dairy products to consumers across the nation is not disrupted.  

The letters can be viewed here: ADC Support of SAFE AT WORK Act