Venture Dairy Co-Op’s Kim Bremmer is an “Industry Bulldog” Giving Farmers a Voice at the Local Level

Dear Venture Dairy Co-Op Members,

This communication is a little different than our usual press release or member alert.

Last week, I was forwarded a website and an article written by an anti-ag activist group “Protect Laketown“ lamenting our defeat of their draconian anti-CAFO ordinance. In it, they referred to Kim as an “industry bulldog.” This gave us all a good laugh and started one of the funniest group meme exchanges I have ever participated in. But I told Kim this is still the highest compliment (of course they didn’t mean it that way)!


It made me realize we need to not only discuss our battles but celebrate our victories. Beyond the obvious victory in defeating the ordinance, the reputation built by Kim and Venture's undying advocacy for you is something to celebrate too.


There is no other organization, and certainly not one the size of Venture Dairy Cooperative, that covers as much ground as Kim does. This won’t come as a surprise to those of you who know her, but no other executive director attends as many local meetings as she does. These local meetings are where the rubber really meets the road and is an arena that has been ignored for too long.


Most importantly, Kim and Venture are not afraid to take positions that are difficult. Our message around lawmakers, allies, and opponents is the same: “our members are first above all else.” This is true even when it’s uncomfortable and politically unpopular, sometimes causing us to disagree with other ag groups.


It’s a posture that sets Venture Dairy Cooperative apart from other organizations and what has led to Kim’s reputation as an “industry bulldog.”

It’s that unwavering and consistent position of members first that has allowed us to be a player in the state Capitol, and even Congress, with numerous candidates seeking our endorsement of their campaign and our input on critical matters.

It’s what has led to numerous defeats of terrible and costly policies at the state and local level and what has put town and county boards on notice that we are watching and will hold them accountable if they work against farmers. It’s what led to a growing network of farmer representation on the very boards and committees that might have put them out of business.

Kim’s work is all too often thankless, and I wanted to take the time to thank her and appreciate her tireless advocacy for you and revel in our successes, no matter the size. Thank you for all that each of you do and for giving us something truly exceptional to keep fighting for.

