Introducing THEVENTUREVIEW.COM: CAFO Means Farming. And Food. And Family.

Venture Dairy Coop is going to tell the CAFO story.

We know CAFO isn’t a dirty word. Unfortunately, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, or CAFOs, have been turned into exactly that by agriculture’s enemies. That’s where comes in. We are going to tell the CAFO story. That farming is food. And family. And community. And the quality of a farm has nothing to do with size and everything to do with the spirit of the American farmer. 

Look to this space for profiles of CAFO farm families from across Wisconsin. Families who are helping feed the world and protect the environment, all while helping build the communities where they live, work and raise their families. 

We all can tell these stories together. Please share these stories with your friends and family. 

And as you go about your daily business, please keep an eye out for story ideas and share them with us at

It’s time to celebrate and share the CAFO story of food, family and community.  

Thanks for stopping by.

CAFOKim Bremmer