Governor Evers Issues New Order to Limit Spread of COVID-19

Today, Governor Evers issued a new order limiting indoor public gatherings to 25 percent of a room’s capacity, placing new restrictions on bars, restaurants and other private businesses.

Wisconsin has become one of the nation’s hotspots for COVID-19. According to DHS’ Disease Activity dashboard, as of Sept. 30, 2020, 45 of Wisconsin counties meet the threshold of a very high disease activity level, which means that there are more than 350 cases per 100,000 people in that county. All other counties reported high case activity levels.

The order begins on Thursday morning, November 6th at 8:00 a.m.

This order does not include schools, office spaces, factories and other workplaces, local governments, religious services, political events, or invitation-only events and private residences.

The order also will not impact polling sites for the November 3rd election. 

Capacity space which hasn’t been stated by local governments will only allow 10 people. Local officials will be in charge of enforcement. 

Venture Dairy Cooperative will continue to keep you updated as we receive more information.