Posts tagged VDC
Environmental & Natural Resources Alert

In a 6-3 decision issued today in the case West Virginia v. EPA, the United States Supreme Court held that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exceeded its statutory authority when it attempted to enact an economy-wide, power generation shifting rule in 2015 known as the Clean Power Plan.

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Attention All CAFO Owners

Based on some information received from farmers around the state, WDA and VDC wanted to remind all CAFOs to make sure rental agreements with landowners, relating to land acreage in your nutrient management plans (NMPs), are all up to date and in writing.

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News AlertKim BremmerVDC
Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Spells Huge Victory for the GOP

Today, after direction from the US Supreme Court to revisit their adoption of the Democrat-drawn legislative district maps due to not being “race-neutral”, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed course and adopted the GOP-drawn legislative maps. The Democrat-drawn maps legislated some GOP members out of their own districts. In one case, a state Senator was bumped a half-mile out of his district.

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New Hydrogeologist Position Should Concern Farmers

Venture Dairy Cooperative has been working to remove the "hydrogeologist" position from the language in Assembly Bill 727. We encourage you to reach out to state elected officials and utilize the below-talking points to make your voice heard regarding the concerns this position poses to dairy farmers in our state. You can find ​our joint testimony ​and talking points​, as well as links to search for your elected officials below.

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News AlertKim BremmerVDC
Wisconsin CAFO Advocacy at the Capitol

Venture Dairy Cooperative (VDC), Wisconsin Dairy Alliance (WDA) and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) stood up for large farms before the Wisconsin Assembly Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, as they were the only groups offering information only testimony to voice concern.

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News ReleaseKim BremmerVDC