New Hydrogeologist Position Should Concern Farmers

Venture Dairy Cooperative has been working to remove the "hydrogeologist" position from the language in Assembly Bill 727. We encourage you to reach out to state elected officials and utilize the below-talking points to make your voice heard regarding the concerns this position poses to dairy farmers in our state. You can find ​our joint testimony ​and talking points​, as well as links to search for your elected officials below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to ​us or simply hit "reply" ​to this email. The most important voice is that of the dairy farmer, so please consider making your voice heard today​!

Find Your State Legislators Here

Talking Points to Aid Your Communication:

  • Assembly Bill 727 has some beneficial pieces in it, but proposes adding a new hydrogeologist position at UW Extension that will “focus on developing groundwater resource information primarily at county or local scales and assisting state and local governments, industries and the public with interpreting and using information.”

  • We fear this position will be weaponized by local governments and anti-farm activists.

  • Farmers have to spend a growing amount of time refuting biased data, research by agenda-driven scientists and interpretation by anti-CAFO local governments and activists who place all blame at the feet of CAFOs.

  • Despite what proponents say, nothing in the bill language limits the position to be used for well testing, or for developing science to help farmers.

  • The actual bill language reads: "The position shall focus on developing groundwater resource information primarily at county or local scales and assisting state and local governments, industries, and the public in interpreting and using this information"

  • Before any new position should be added, we need to rethink the regulatory framework CAFOs operate in.

  • We ​have provided an amendment to remove this position.

News AlertKim BremmerVDC