Perdue Calls for More COVID-19 Aid for Farmers

USDA Secretary, Sonny Perdue has expressed he believes the first round of the  Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) will not be enough to stop the bleeding the Coronavirus pandemic has inflicted on the U.S farm economy.  CFAP created $16 billion in payments that went directly to farmers- but this simply isn’t enough to cover the severe economic loss.  While no negotiations are currently in the works between Senate and House leadership, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has indicated that his top priority when the Senate returns on July 20th is securing additional aid for agricultural producers.  

In the House, the agriculture appropriation subcommittee is scheduled mark up the fiscal 2021 agriculture bill early this month. 

The American Dairy Coalition will continue to work with Congress to ensure the full impact the Coronavirus Pandemic has had on farmers is understood to ensure additional resources and aid programs can be secured to protect our nation’s hard working farmers.