ADC Asks Trade Representative to Address Canada’s Limitations on US Dairy Exports

This week the American Dairy Coalition sent a letter to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative leadership, Gregg Doud, to address concerns regarding Canada’s structuring of tariff rate quotes (TRQs) and the potential impact this practice will have on preventing fair competition of U.S. dairy exports with Canadian dairy products. 

“The USMCA agreement was negotiated and agreed upon as a means to prevent unfair trade barriers; however, the proposed Canadian TRQ administration system appears to contradict the true intent of the agreement by unfairly limiting competition with the United States’ most valuable dairy products in Canadian markets”, the letter states. 

The American Dairy Coalition is asking Ambassador Doud to address the matter and ensure Canada is compliant with USMCA’s agriculture chapter. 

The full letter can be read here.