Tell Lawmakers to Support Income Tax Relief

Please Support Significant Income Tax Relief in the State Budget

As Wisconsin policymakers debate the final details of the next State Budget, it is imperative that they hear from the business community about the best ways to improve the economy and attract a talented workforce

Contact Your Legislator

Study after study show that people are flocking to low-tax states, and unfortunately Wisconsin is not making the cut. Right now, Wisconsin is the eighth least tax-friendly state for the middle class and has the eighth highest top income tax rate in the country. This is making the state less attractive for workers and families.

As other states take bold steps to reduce and flatten their income tax, the status quo or incremental progress just results in Wisconsin falling behind. Fortunately, lawmakers have a historic opportunity to pass significant tax reform.


With a $6.9 billion surplus available, the business community is calling on lawmakers to significantly reduce and flatten the individual income tax. Please use the form to tell your legislators and the governor substantial tax relief is necessary to attract a talented workforce and improve our economy.

News AlertKim Bremmer