Township Discrimination Against Farmers is Wrong: Where Does it Stop?

A coalition of organizations directed a letter to the Town of Wolf River and the Town of Polar who have both adopted “Implements of Husbandry” ordinances which mandate farmers who haul manure on town roads to post a surety bond to cover any possible damage to the roads. The Town of Polar is seeking a road bond for $50,000 for all town roads and the Town of Wolf River is asking $50,000 for each road in the town that is used. 

Earlier this month, Venture Dairy Cooperative (VDC), Wisconsin Dairy Alliance (WDA) and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) sent a similar letter to the Town of Peck asking them to rescind their ordinance and work with its farming community to come to a mutually beneficial solution.

These groups, who collectively represent thousands of farmers across Wisconsin, are concerned that ordinances like these in the towns of Peck, Polar and Wolf River effectively ban farmers from moving manure on town roads and are destructive to the farming community that so critically supports the rural economy and way of life. 

According to the state law, towns are not allowed to restrict whole classes of vehicles from operating, nor can towns enforce these massive unlawful surety bond requirements. The actions of these towns will harm local farmers and likely lead to costly and reputation-damaging litigation. We are asking the towns to rescind these illegal ordinances immediately and resolve these issues through a mutually beneficial solution, outside of litigation.  

“Yes, farmers use the roads. They also help pay for roads through their economic generation to the local communities and property tax levies. The solution lies in working with their local farmers and businesses rather than passing unlawful ordinances that harm them,” said Kim Bremmer, Executive Director of Venture Dairy Cooperative and owner of Ag Inspirations. “Actions like these at the local level set a dangerous precedent. Who will they go after next…loggers? Potato growers? You? Where does it stop?”