Wisconsin Businesses May Face Irreparable Damage if DHS Publicly Names Businesses with COVID-19 Cases

Recently, WDA was made aware that the Department of Health Services may publicly name Wisconsin businesses that have recorded at least 2 cases of COVID-19 among its employees.

This comes after DHS claims they have received hundreds of open records requests for information on COVID-19 at Wisconsin businesses. 

News of this possibility prompted some of Wisconsin’s largest business organizations including Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Wisconsin Grocers Association and the Wisconsin Restaurant Association to send letters to Governor Evers expressing their concerns over the impacts releasing this information could cause. 

WDA President, Cindy Leitner said, “If this information is released, Wisconsin businesses that are already struggling would face undue scrutiny, causing irreparable damage.”

In WMC’s letter they point out the fact that, because COVID-19 has a long incubation period and many who contract it are asymptomatic, it is nearly impossible to know the exact location where individuals spread and contact the virus. Therefore, linking businesses with individual infections is highly speculative information and implicitly casts blame on the businesses for those infections. 

“Spreading misleading or outright false information will not help local public health authorities control the spread of COVID-19, or provide the public with the tools necessary to make more informed decisions. Bad data will undoubtedly lead to bad decision-making, and will further damage Wisconsin’s business community without protecting the public’s health,” said WMC President/CEO, Kurt Bauer.

Wisconsin Dairy Alliance is working with our attorney and will continue to follow this closely. 

CLICK HERE to read the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce letter. 

CLICK HERE to read the Wisconsin Grocers Association letter.

CLICK HERE to read the Wisconsin Restaurant Association's letter.