Venture Dairy Provides Comments to Polk County

Today, Venture Dairy Cooperative provided comments on the proposed CAFO Provisions to the Polk County Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance. 

The letter asks the Environmental Services Committee and Polk County Supervisors to comply with state law while collaborating with agriculture; engaging all farmers, including CAFO owners, to move forward in a way that focuses on solutions.

"Find ways to look at water quality through a watershed approach if the goal is truly to improve water quality. Continue to engage with CAFO owners and understand what steps are taken on farms to responsibly manage manure while protecting water. The fact that everyone has the same goals of protecting and improving water quality…from the CAFO owners to the county public health officials, tells us that basic understanding of the current permitting process for CAFOs is missing, as well as knowledge about the advancements in agriculture and on-farm practices. "- the letter states. 

Read the full letter HERE