Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Spells Huge Victory for the GOP

Today, after direction from the US Supreme Court to revisit their adoption of the Democrat-drawn legislative district maps due to not being “race-neutral”, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed course and adopted the GOP-drawn legislative maps. The Democrat-drawn maps legislated some GOP members out of their own districts. In one case, a state Senator was bumped a half-mile out of his district.

Candidates and legislators alike have been in limbo wondering what their legislative districts would look like. Now, on the first day that candidates can circulate nomination papers for signatures to get on the ballot, they finally have answers.

Read the decision here: https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/opinion/DisplayDocument.pdf?content=pdf&seqNo=511572

Read more about the decision here: https://www.wispolitics.com/2022/split-state-supreme-court-approves-gop-map-for-legislative-districts/