Alert: COVID-19 Liability Protections Update

Venture Dairy Cooperative and the Wisconsin Dairy Alliance have been working with Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) to ensure that dairy operations are included in proposed new legislation to help protect businesses from frivolous Covid-19 lawsuits.

Trial attorneys are actively targeting employees in Wisconsin who have tested positive for COVID-19 in an attempt to file lawsuits against businesses for not preventing the spread of this illness at worksites.

This bill creates a strong liability shield to help protect you and your farms.

Venture Dairy Cooperative and the Wisconsin Dairy Alliance are supporting this important bill, and we encourage you to take a minute to do so as well. We need your help to ensure your state legislators support this bill so it passes in both the Assembly and Senate.

A vote will take place tomorrow in the Assembly. Don’t delay! Please click on the button below to reach out to your legislators and encourage them to support Assembly Bill 1.

The link takes you to a page where you can quickly and easily send a form email to the governor and to your legislators.


News AlertKim BremmerVDC